Healthie solution boosts Diabetes Care Partners' efficiency

Diabetes Care Partners faced operational hurdles as they sought to expand their footprint. With Healthie, they consolidated operations, enhanced internal communication, and expanded virtual services. Real-time client engagement flourished, driving better health outcomes.

A beautiful sunset over a calm ocean with vibrant orange and pink hues reflecting on the water.
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West Covina, CA
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Diabetes Care Partners experience boosted efficiency and expansion with Healthie

Implementing Healthie led to streamlined operations, widened service reach, and enhanced client engagement.

Integration of Healthie brought about transformative outcomes for Diabetes Care Partners. By consolidating their core operations into one platform, they achieved significant efficiencies, saving time and resources previously spent managing disparate systems.

The telehealth capabilities of Healthie enabled Diabetes Care Partners to transcend geographical boundaries. This shift to virtual care improved accessibility and also boosted the effectiveness of their programs, leading to better outcomes for members. Through real-time engagement, providers fostered stronger connections with their patients, enhancing their overall experience and health journey. This personalized approach contributed to increased confidence and improved health outcomes among members.


Diabetes Care Partners faced challenges in streamlining operations for growth and accessibility

Navigating various platforms for patient management and communication was hindering Diabetes Care Partners’ growth.

Diabetes Care Partners faced numerous challenges prior to seeking an EHR and practice management solution. Managing multiple platforms for scheduling, telehealth, billing, EHR, and team communication was cumbersome. Integration across these platforms required extensive protocols and procedures, consuming valuable time and resources. With a growing member base, the manual management of disparate systems became increasingly difficult. Additionally, the organization sought to extend its services beyond the local community through online diabetes coaching, aiming to reach a wider audience and eliminate costly office leases. Furthermore, the need for centralized communication among its 12 providers highlighted the necessity for a cohesive solution.


Diabetes Care Partners leverage the Healthie solution

Discover how Diabetes Care Partners consolidated operations and expanded services with Healthie's versatile features.

Diabetes Care Partners found a comprehensive solution in Healthie to address their diverse operational needs of consolidating scheduling, telehealth, billing, and EHR into one efficient system. Healthie provided streamlined internal communication between providers, allowing 12 providers to use secure chat functions, enhancing the coordination of client care, and optimizing workflow efficiency. 

Additionally, real-time engagement with clients was enhanced through Healthie's communication features, providing touchpoints throughout the member journey to increase confidence and drive better health outcomes. With Healthie's user-friendly interface and robust features, Diabetes Care Partners seamlessly transitioned their diabetes programs online, multiplying the success of their in-person initiatives.

"We aim to get members to the point of proficiency and confidence that they can self-manage their diabetes. Healthie enables that with its diabetes management programs and platform."
Tony Song
Tony Song
A beautiful sunset over a calm ocean with vibrant orange and pink hues reflecting on the water.

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