3 Ways to Create Passive Income In Your Nutrition Practice
Find out how to create passive income as a nutritionist or dietitian. Learn about passive ways to make money and gain new client leads.
For wellness professionals, increasing revenue for your nutrition practice traditionally relies on seeing more clients. To actively increase your monthly revenue, you need more paying clients. Ultimately, there are only so many hours in a day for you to see clients, putting a limit on how much revenue you can earn. Increasing your channels of passive income is a way to increase your revenue without taking up more of your day-to-day time.
Although they take some time and energy to create upfront, once you’ve created and implemented these tools, they’ll continue to generate income, even while you sleep.
Online programs, e-content and educational webinars are all examples of passive income that you can use in your nutrition practice.
Beyond generating additional passive income, they also serve as a marketing tool to attract new clients to your practice, and provide a valuable add-on service to current clients. If you’re truly looking to grow your wellness business, Healthie’s comprehensive practice management software can help through client retention strategies, facilitating partnerships and more. Get started for free today.
Ways to increase revenue with passive income in your nutrition practice:
1. Create an Online Wellness Program
When working with your clients, you’re likely sharing eBooks, documents, videos, recipes and exchanging e-mails. Start generating passive income from services that you’re currently giving away for free! This content is valuable to your clients, and can serve as the basis for a high quality program you offer to build your nutrition practice.
A tailored program for your clients, allows you to send a drip of information including handouts, videos, emails, meal plans, e-books, documents over a series of days/weeks/months. It essentially creates a funnel of information to guide your clients and give them the support they need to create lasting change.
Your client will appreciate receiving information over time, in ways that they can digest and incorporate it into their lives. It enhances their knowledge on a specific topic or helps to motivate them to achieve a goal. Healthie’s platform allows you to foster client relationships through convenient client messaging or by setting up food, lifestyle, or activity journaling.
Creating Your Signature Program
Less is more when it comes to creating your first wellness program. You don’t want to put out multiple programs of moderate quality, but instead, create one signature program that can enhance your clients’ experience working with you. Hone in on who your client is, and what is the transformation they are looking for. Your signature program will help them make progress towards their goal.
Finding Your Niche in Nutrition Practice
As you’re thinking of a central topic for your signature program, ask yourself the following questions:
- Who is your ideal client?
- What are their biggest challenges?
- What is the health transformation that they are looking for help with?
- What do they want to learn? What should he/she take away from your program, after finishing it?
- Ideal client: Young working professionals 20’s-30’s.
- Challenges: Eats out most meals, not making healthy choices when dining out, doesn’t know any easy/quick recipes to make.
- Transformation: Wants to feel healthier, cook more at home and plan ahead.
- Takeaway: Basic meal planning tips and a sample meal planner, easy dinner recipes with grocery lists, tips for making healthier choices when eating out.
Sample Signature Program: 12 Weeks to Healthier Eating for Busy Professionals
- Downloadable meal planning template
- 2 recipes weekly (20 minute or less cook time) with accompanying grocery list
- Weekly tips for eating healthy on-the-go
- Access to private mastermind group for ongoing support
Selling Your Signature Program
Your signature program can be included within a client packages as an incentive to purchase or as a stand-alone program that new or existing clients can purchase directly. Market your signature program on your website and social media channels to help increase awareness, and generate traffic to your business. It will continue to provide passive income over time.
Healthie’s Programs tool, enables providers and organizations to store and automatically distribute content to clients on a time schedule. This is commonly used for sending videos, quizzes, and documents in a curriculum-like setting for a set period of time. Using the Programs template builder, you can quickly create your program, add it to client packages, track client activity and process payments. Click here to learn how to set up these features with Healthie’s Free Starter Plan today.
2. Create E-Content for Purchase for Your Nutrition Practice
E-content is essentially a downloadable resource that you offer on your website in exchange for an email address and/or fee. It’s a way to generate client leads (a lead magnet!) and also increase passive income for your nutrition practice. The goal of your e-content is to attract your ideal client, so you’ll want to think of a premium offer that will be of value to them.
E-content (lead magnet) examples:
- eBook (comprehensive, downloadable book)
- Collection of recipes
- Meal planning templates
- Guide (downloadable PDF version on a specific topic)
Creating Your First eBook
You can easily create your own eBook online, at no cost. One of the most popular tools to use is Canva, a free design-based website that is user friendly for non-designers. Browse through their free (and premium) eBook templates and edit the design of your choice with your content. You can easily swap out images, using Canva’s free image database, upload your own logos or images and change the font to meet your brand standards.
Thinking through your first e-book is similar to building out a signature program. You want to ask yourself the same questions about your ideal client: who are they, and what is the transformation they are seeking? Revisiting our example client, the young working professional, a motivating eBook may be a collection of recipes that take 15 minutes or less to prepare
Selling Your eBook Online + Creating a “Lead-Gen” Magnet
Once you have a premium quality eBook, you can promote it across your website and social media channels. If you have a wordpress website, you’ll be able to use a plugin like PayPal or WooCommerce, for people to purchase your eBook directly on your site. As you promote your eBook on your social platforms, it will drive traffic to your website as leads click through to download your book. Once you have them on your website (and you’ve captured their email!), leads will learn about the services you offer.
The emails you’ve captured can be put into your mailing list, so that you can strategically market to your leads, giving them nudges and incentives to sign up for your services. A lead magnet is a powerful marketing tool that you’ll use to grow you practice, and generate passive income.
3. Host a Webinar or Educational Series for a Fee
Creating a recurring webinar series is a great way to provide continued nutrition education over time. Bundle your webinars together into a comprehensive, educational series. Attract new clients to your practice and provide ongoing education to your existing client base.
Creating Your Educational Series
For your educational series, think of a topic that you cover and discuss with a majority of your ideal clients. An educational series works particularly well for dietitians working with specific disease populations, as a way to provide in-depth education. For example, if you work with women with PCOS, you may want to put together a 4 week webinar course “PCOS: Managing Symptoms with Nutrition.”
Healthie fully integrates with Zoom to offer group webinars and create educational series. Record your content and have it automatically distributed over time as part of your educational series. Within the Healthie Platform, you’ll be able to create, package and bill for your webinar series.
Marketing Your Educational Series
Although creating your educational series will require time, research and energy upfront, it will be a premium tool that will continue to generate income overtime. Use it as a lead-gen marketing tool online to attract your ideal client (women with PCOS!) by offering the first webinar in the series for FREE.